
Man plans…

…and God laughs.” I’m sure you have heard this aphorism before, but it keeps arriving in the forefront of my mind. Once again, I have come to the conclusion that I am over-booked, over-thinking, and over-tired. When the weekend arrives, I feel like I have spent half my week driving to and fro, making myself too tired to do anything productive. Perhaps it is a stalling tactic? Who knows? All I know is that I have to clear the decks and make room in my life for the things that are truly important. Today I made the decision to cancel a class I have been attending. It was lurking over me like the Undertoad (from the World According to Garp: An underlying threat of disaster beneath the surface of everyday life. A mythical monster that lurks underwater to catch unwary swimmers; a personification of an undertow.) As soon as I sent the email, my head stopped hurting, my depression lifted, and I was suffused with new energy. Ta da! I must return to my previous life hack (gad, I hate that term, but if the shoe fits…) of planning all my errands on one day of the week and leave the rest open for spontaneity, which is truly the spice of life. I have gotten into a great routine of swimming every other day, and now I can get back into it, after being just too tired to even get into the car.

While I was pondering my blues, I started thinking about that pandemic we lived through. Well, guess what? I keep hearing from people who “finally got COVID.” We have gotten pretty lackadaisical in our errand-running, I fear.  I think it may be time to consider wearing masks again – at least while shopping. I would hate to catch that dreaded disease after holding it off all this time. (Your mileage may vary – I know there is more than one camp for this subject).

Hallowe’en is almost upon us. I see leaves on the ground, and there is a nip in the air. Today I actually wore a hoody when I left the house! Time keeps flying by… If you like to dress up for the big day, have a blast. I will leave the light on for the little kiddies (and turn it off when the elder teens start coming to the door. Unless I recognize them and they ask nicely for some treats!)

2 thoughts on “Man plans…”

  1. “…and God laughs.” So true, I sometimes think that he’s always laughing…at us. In fact, my favorite all-time quote from my all-time favorite movie is: “If God is dead, then he must have laughed himself to death.” George C. Scott-in-They Might Be Giants.

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